A few weeks ago, I downloaded Up
I was much more entranced by the central character, Carl Fredricksen. Unlike me, he married an adventurous girl he’d know since he was a child – But I couldn’t help but see myself in Carl right off the bat.
Watching him progress forward to retirement – and finally realizing that this is his opportunity to do something he had dreamed about with his wife for their whole lives – really hit me with the idea that retirement isn’t just about stopping your work. It’s about continuing your life’s work, except without the constraints of having to beat the pavement each day.
The Total Money Makeover
Fantastic Mr. Fox (Three-Disc Blu-ray/DVD Combo + Digital Copy)
Retirement Isn’t the End; It’s Security
On page 152, Ramsey makes the point that retirement means security, not just freedom from work:
When I speak of retirement, I think of security. Security means choices. (That’s why I think retirement means that work is an option.)I agree wholeheartedly with this perspective, to the point that I no longer think of 401(k) savings or Roth IRA savings as retirement savings. In fact, I often have to change things I write about both accounts for simplification.
If I don’t think of them as retirement accounts, what are they? I think of them as “crossover point accounts
Here’s why I think of them this way. I have 1 child. Realistically, I know that, unless a major windfall comes my way, I won’t be reaching my own “crossover point” (the point at which I can survive on my own investments) until after he is out on his own for at least a few years. This puts me at an age that doesn't begin to approach the minimum ages for non-penalized withdrawals from my Roth IRA and my 401(k).
Do I intend to “retire” at 39 1/2? Not at all. I have a lot of plans for my life after the point where I am financially self-sufficient that don’t involve golf and fishing. They involve large volunteer projects and activities that simply wouldn’t be feasible without a large financial cushion. The last thing I want to do is waste away.The Smartest Retirement Book You'll Ever Read
The Job You Hate
I really like this bit, from page 152:
If you hate your career path, change it. You should do something with your life that lights your fire and lets you use your gifts. Retirement in America has come to mean “save enough money so I can quite the job I hate.” That is a bad life plan.This idea really hit home for me at a time when I was becoming unhappy with my career in many ways. Over the course of several years, I went from being very passionate and involved and pushing forward a fascinating project to being a Debt Settlement Supervisor charged with also maintaining a team, something I absolutely didn’t want to do.
To me, the idea of simply switching careers was anathema. I had invested so much effort into my career at this point that I didn’t want to lose it. I was also trapped financially – I needed that income to keep coming in.
I knew what I wanted to do – creative-oriented work that really got people to think about their lives – but that seemed light years from what I was doing. But the investment I had already made and the financial state I was in kept me mentally locked into the idea of keeping on with it.How to Love Your Job (Even When You Don't)
Don’t let your life be controlled by the need for a few more dollars. It’s not worth it.
15 Percent?
On page 155, Dave encourages people to invest big in their retirement plans:
The rule is simple: Invest 15 percent of before-tax gross income annually toward retirement.In other words, your 401(k) contributions plus your Roth IRA contributions should add up to 15% of what you earn before taxes in a year, not what you bring home.
I think that 15% number is a bit loaded in a way that Dave doesn’t discuss. I think he makes an enormous assumption in this book, that people reading it are at the very least over the age of 30. The thought process behind this is simple: if you’ve dug yourself into an enormous debt hole, figured out that this is a problem, and dug yourself out, you’ve likely got quite a few years under your belt already.
The catch is that it’s those under the age of thirty that can really make a killing with retirement savings. If you save 15% a year from age 22 to age 30 for retirement in an account that returns 8%, you’ll make more just from those early years than you would if you started at age 30 and saved until age 65. Thus is the power of compound interest.
I think Dave’s absolutely right – if you’re over 30 and have peanuts saved for retirement, 15% is a requirement. If you’re just getting out of college, 15% would be sweet, but you can have a healthy retirement for less if you’re committed to contributions throughout your entire adult life.
What About Employer Matching?
Dave offers up his thoughts on how to consider employer matching on your 401(k) on page 155:
When calculating your 15 percent, don’t include company matches in your plan. Invest 15 percent of your gross income. If your company matches some or part of your contribution, you can consider it gravy. [...] By the same token, do not use your potential Social Security benefits in your calculations.Why not include these things in your calculations? We all know about the lack of stability in Social Security – I, for one, have little interest betting my long term stability on it. But why not the matching?
Dave really doesn’t give an argument for why he believes you shouldn’t include it beyond “consider it gravy.” I tend to think the reason that ignoring matching is a good rule of thumb is that quite often employee matching money has special investing rules tied to it.
Another good reason – perhaps even more important – is that it’s better to save more than you need than less than you need. If you wind up at age 60 and have more money than you expect, that’s a good thing (provided, of course, that you’re not negatively affecting your life along the way).
Another interesting question: is investing in your own business worth considering for retirement savings? I don’t think it is. For one, a small business is notoriously unstable. For another, I think a small business functions more as a giant emergency fund than as a retirement account, since it can be tapped regardless of where you are in life. I wouldn’t include any sort of business as part of one’s retirement plan.
At Age Sixty Five…
An interesting fact worth thinking about, from page 164:
The investing you do systematically and consistently over time will make you wealthy. If you play with this by jumping in and out, always finding something more important than investing, you are doomed to be one of those fifty four out of one hundred sixty-five-year-olds still working because you have to work.When I read that quote, I immediately began thinking of all of the people I know that are close to sixty five years of age and whether they still need to work. According to my math, seven still have to work and six do not. From my little bubble, it looks like that 54% figure is pretty spot-on.
One interesting difference between the two groups is that the working group tends to spend money more easily than the non-working group. The people I know in the working group tend to go on a lot of vacations and have shiny new cars, but their days are still filled with their jobs. The people I know that are not working for an income at age sixty-five are not doing as many expensive things, but instead are involved in things like volunteer work and actually working at their own small business that doesn’t turn a big profit but is a lot of fun for them. They don’t have shiny new cars and they don’t fly to Europe regularly, but they’re doing things they value.
I’d like to be able to go on some trips when I’m that age, but overall, I’d rather be in the group that doesn’t work for a living income then.
The Rose
On page 165, there’s a short parable about a rose growing from a plain seed into a beautiful bloom. The comment on this parable is interesting:
The story of the rose is about human potential and about not being defined by what you do, but rather by who you are. [...] Push with gazelle intensity [on your savings] to bloom, but know that as long as you take the progressive steps, you are winning.For me, this all comes back to the idea of spending less than you earn – it’s the engine that drives everything that I truly value in life. Spending more than I earn means lots of little trifling goodies right now, but it means pain in the future – something I learned the hard way.
Spending less than I earn, though, is much like planting a seed and watching it grow. At first, it seems painfully slow, as a seedling barely peeks through the soil and seems to grow at a snail’s pace. But if I keep fertilizing it and working with it, it grows.
Before I know it, it’s a large blooming bush and the fragrance of freedom is in the air.
Do you have any other thoughts on this chapter of The Total Money Makeover
On Friday, we’ll tackle the tenth chapter – College Funding.
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