We spend alot of time living for today, and with the stress of life, sometimes it feels impossible to get ahead and plan.
Nolo’s Financial First Aid Kit 2009 is an all-in-one personal finance resource that includes 10 personal finance tools you can start using immediately. It will help you solve urgent debt and credit problems, reach your money goals and generate more income.
Here’s what you get inside: Credit Repair ebook, The New Bankruptcy ebook, Foreclosure Survival Guide ebook, Money Coach personal financial education software, The Small Business Start-Up Kit ebook, the eBay Business Kit ebook, Home Business Tax Deductions ebook, Stopping Identity Theft ebook, The Busy Family’s Guide to Money ebook, Your Little Legal Companion book and audio excerpts from The Busy Family’s Guide to Money audio book and audio excerpts from Stopping Identity Theft audio book.
Create a personalized money plan and learn to:
Simple Budget Software Coupled with a Powerful Money Management Methodology
The You Need Budget Software
Rule One: Stop Living Paycheck to Paycheck
We want you to work toward living on last month’s income. Both the software and methodology will help you do just that.Why? You’ll find breathing room. You’ll stop wasting time by timing paychecks with bills, and if you’re on a variable income, your budgeting “problem” will be eliminated.
Rule Two: Give Every Dollar a Job
Each month you assign your Available dollars to spending/savings categories. This process takes 20 minutes and revolutionizes the way you think about your money.Why? Dollars need to be told what to do. Your awareness will increase tremendously and you’ll find contentment as your spending aligns itself with your core values. Communication between spouses is restored. Redeem Coupon LASTMIN10-Save up to 50% plus a $10 off on all Last Minute Hotel bookings on CheapOstay.com
Rule Three: Save for a Rainy Day
You’ll anticipate larger, less-frequent expenses and will be ready for them. Insurance premium due in six months for $600? Save $100 each month and watch the Car Insurance balance grow.Why? Eliminate the crazy ups and downs in your life. Gain a true picture of your discretionary income. Enjoy opening the mail again (the money will be there waiting to pay that bill).
Rule Four: Roll with the Punches
The key is to keep moving even when you fail (you will). YNAB will make small adjustments when you overspend, ensuring that you fix those mistakes before you go to the next month.Why? It keeps you on your budgeting feet, so when you fail, you don’t quit. You start each month with a clean slate–a huge psychological boost. Shop Today for Special Online Exclusive Offers from Rocawear!
I feel that these are both good choices for those of us who can't spend 500 dollars on Software for the household budget
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