Ideas on money making ideas for kids
It's tough on all of us, even those who have not been laid off, the rising cost of living without the increase of pay has added stress. Our kids are just being exactly what they are, kids. We want to help them out but I feel maybe the best wy to help them out is by teaching them how to make money on there own. This will encourage Independence that they will need to use later in life.
Most kids are quite happy when they get some pocket money. They feel like a part of the adult world since they can make decisions on their own. However, parents are not there to give all the pocket money kids would like to spend. Kids also have to learn how to deal with money. Money is not for free and kids can learn a lot when they have to earn their own pocket money. Here are some money making ideas for kids.
Organize a flea market or swap meets. Many people have lots of stuff that they want to get rid of - some even have a whole basement full of stuff that can be sold elsewhere. It can be organized indoors or in front of your house. Smaller kids will need assistance from their parents. Bigger kids will be happy taking responsibility and doing everything on their own. You can give unwanted household items away and help your child "start" their business.
Gather and sell collectibles. There are hundreds of types of collectibles. You will be amazed to know what strange stuff people collect. Kids, who can research the Internet like no one else, can find places where they can find and sell collectibles. eBay is a good place to start with. This money making idea won't cost you more than a couple of dollars and can bring a pretty decent revenue if you have a good source for collectibles.
Being a tutor. Kids can tutor smaller children. If your kid is good in a field like math, for example, he can teach lower grades. At least for math, there is always some other kid who needs a good tutor. This is also a boast for his self-esteem.
Whatever your kid chooses to do, be sure to support him or her in it. There are many more ideas, this is just a brief overview of different ideas for kids to start to become entrepreneurs.
Mr. Dangerfield is an I.A.P.D.A Certified Debt Specialist whom has worked in the finance industry for over a decade. He manages and is the author of "A Dangerfield Manifesto" and co-founder of SMG Holdings, the parent company of Squad Music Group, Dangerfield Artistic Entertainment SMG Publishing and Taboo Dangerfield Publishing
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