Believe it or not, it is possible to publish a book for under $100. Here’s how.
- Write the book yourself. Many published authors hire ghostwriters to write all or part of the book. If you write the book yourself, then you literally save thousands of dollars right from the start. Writing a book is not as difficult as you may think. In fact, if you already have a collection of articles or reports that you have written – your book is already complete. Simply organize your articles in a structure that makes sense, add an introduction, a few transitions, and a conclusion and you’re set. You have a book.
- Edit the book yourself. Editing is a critical step to writing a book and often it is better handled by the experts. Editors not only find grammar and spelling mistakes, they help bring your copy to a new level. The can help add life and energy to any writing. Instead of spending thousands of dollars to have your book professionally edited, you can tackle the job yourself, and don’t be afraid to ask friends and family for help.

- Use your own photos or stock photos for your graphics and illustrations rather than hiring an illustrator. You’d be surprised what is available online. Graphics can easily be created using many open source or screen shot software products. Additionally, stock photo sites sell their images for as little as $1.00.
- Sell your book as an electronic book or e-book. This eliminates almost all production and distribution costs. You do not need a printer, binder, or shipping and distribution services, all you need is a website and you need one of those regardless. Publishing your book electronically does not negate publishing a printed version of it in your future.

In fact, you can use the profits from the sale of your e-book to fund the production costs of your print book. Not sure about the e-book market? Do a bit of research. E-books are enormously popular and growing in popularity every day. Why even Stephen King publishes electronically.
- Joint venture with someone. You write the book, they pay for printing and publishing and you both market it and share the profits. Look for joint venture partners by exploring associates and resources in your niche. For example, if you want to write and publish a book about how to work from home, you can partner with someone already in the industry. Dangerfield Artistic Entertainment is always looking for a venture

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